Authors Posts by Nathan Leal

Nathan Leal

Hello folks. Who am I? I am Nathan Leal, a Minister of the Gospel. My message is the same message found in the Bible. It is a simple message which is - "Get your hearts right with God." Find revival in Him. Return to Jesus. My friends, the hour is late for America. God's people must get prepared to face the approaching season that is going to be challenging. I do not consider myself holier than anyone. Nor do I see myself as better. Like the Apostle Paul, I am striving to daily crucify my own flesh. I am also trying to prepare my family for what lies ahead. What do we do? How do we prepare? First, we must get our hearts right with God. We must all put away the vices in our lives that keep us from growing close to God. "What vices?", you ask? You know what they are! And if you don't, then get on your knees and ask Him. He will tell you. In His Service, Nathan Leal

Nathan Leal - Interviewed by a Journalist L.A. Photojournalist Glen McCurtayne interviews Nathan Leal and asks many questions about where America is headed in these end times. Topics covered: What is a watchman? What is America's role in Bible prophecy? Will America see a false flag attack? How does Donald Trump fit into the end times? The Christian battle against the...

Psalms 32 - Finding Revival A Deeper Examination of Sin and Forgiveness A Sermon by Nathan Leal (This written sermon can also be downloaded in PDF for offline reading and convenience. Enjoy.) (Note - this sermon is not just for non-Christians, nor is it only for those who are struggling with their salvation. This message is for everyone who wants to be an...

Another Blood Moon Occurred - But this time it was accompanied by Mars By Nathan Leal Once again ladies and gentlemen, Earth experienced a blood moon. But this time, the red planet, Mars decided to tag along. Is there any significance to this recent event? I think so. Before I continue, I want to address the elephant in the room. I call...

Psalms 32 - Finding Blessed Assurance and Strength from God - Part 2 A Deeper Examination of Sin and Forgiveness By Nathan Leal (Note - The Youtube and transcript of this sermon will be out very soon.) In part one of this topic, we examined the first part of Psalms 32, and we broke down the importance of repentance, and how dangerous it...

Finding Restoration and Revival with God. Even in the Midst of Darkness A sermon by Nathan Leal (Note - this written sermon can also be downloaded in PDF for offline reading and convenience. Enjoy.) Today, I'm coming to you with a very special program. I'm going to bring a spiritual message where we will break bread together, and I'm excited about this program,...

In these dark times, many Christians are struggling in their walk with God. Many are fighting discouragement, depression, and are having trouble finding victory. This sermon message will visit this challenge and offer hope and encouragement for God's people. Please share this message of hope with your friends and family.   In His Service, Nathan Leal Watchman's Cry    

Join us as Nathan Leal discusses all of these interesting and difficult topics. Are you trying to make sense of the present confusion and choas in the world? Is America headed for war? Are we watching the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? Has the Little Horn appeared in the world? If so, who might he be? More disclosure on how...

By Nathan Leal Ladies and Gentlemen, do you find yourself overwhelmed when trying to make sense of geopolitical developments and world affairs? You are not alone. The confusion is by design. It has been engineered to fatigue and throw America off-balance, and it's working. A lot of people have become burned out and confused with all the politics and rhetoric that...

Video Proof that "Drain the Swamp" was never the plan. It was all theater. Video is Below By Nathan Leal Ladies and gentlemen, it pains me to say this, but the evangelical base was swindled by Donald Trump and the globalists. We all know that the term, "drain the swamp," had an impact on the election. The words galvanized voters. They stirred up...

Warning - John Bolton admits that the US will invade Iran this year! The video proof is below. By Nathan Leal Trump stated that the Syria bombing was, "Mission Accomplished," but was it? George W. Bush once said the same thing and we know how that turned out. It was a disaster. So is Trump correct? What is the truth folks? There...