Authors Posts by Nathan Leal

Nathan Leal

Hello folks. Who am I? I am Nathan Leal, a Minister of the Gospel. My message is the same message found in the Bible. It is a simple message which is - "Get your hearts right with God." Find revival in Him. Return to Jesus. My friends, the hour is late for America. God's people must get prepared to face the approaching season that is going to be challenging. I do not consider myself holier than anyone. Nor do I see myself as better. Like the Apostle Paul, I am striving to daily crucify my own flesh. I am also trying to prepare my family for what lies ahead. What do we do? How do we prepare? First, we must get our hearts right with God. We must all put away the vices in our lives that keep us from growing close to God. "What vices?", you ask? You know what they are! And if you don't, then get on your knees and ask Him. He will tell you. In His Service, Nathan Leal

He showed up in the White House on the first day of Trump 2.0 ... and he has not left! He wields a very weird power over the Cabinet Members, Politicians, and the Business World. Why? How? Who is he really?...

The tribulation has begun my friends and the Antichrist has been revealed. But not everyone can see it. This video will explain why so many church folks cannot see that Trump is the guy. There is a spiritual reason for this blindness, and Jesus addressed it. This information...

Trump's Blinded Right Eye - The One Eyed Antichrist Some Prophecy Students have assumed that the Antichrist will be blind in one eye, perhaps even wearing an eye patch. But Trump isn't blind in his right eye...or is he? In this program we examine the...

Trump just announced that he's the Antichrist. He revealed himself as an idol made of gold. He also revealed that he is the Antichrist joining in union with the Great Harlot of Babylon! It's here folks. The "ApoKalypto-Revealing" has taken place. Share this with the world. The tribulation is here! May God have...

The Abomination of Desolation Revealed - Daniel 9:27 Explained ....and it's not what most people think! We are in the Tribulation folks, and it is vital that the remnant understands how it's going to play out, because already, the church does not realize that Trump is the Antichrist. And...

The Lord gave me a message that I must share! This is a stern warning for MAGA and the Remnant The Apokalypto is here! The seals are busting open! We only have a small window of time to prepare and get right with God! If you want to know...

The Lord gave me a message that I must share! This is a stern warning for MAGA and the Remnant The Apokalypto is here! The seals are busting open! We only have a small window of time to prepare and get right with God! If you want to know...

This is going to be a part 2 follow up on the previous program. I shared more information about the immigration deception, and gave more proof that it is all a lie, and also that MAGA was used as pawns to destroy America. I also share a few viewer...

With the Inauguration behind us, the world can now see that the Trump Administration is going to go rogue against all of our allies, invade countries, and steal from our neighbors like Canada, Panama, Mexico, Greenland and others. The policies of MAGA are now in full force with mass deportations, tariffs, the formation...

The identity of the "Restrainer," that is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2, has been a mystery to students of Bible prophecy for years. The two most popular theories are: 1. The "Restrainer," is the Holy Spirit 2. The "Restrainer," is Michael the Archangel Most students...