Authors Posts by Nathan Leal

Nathan Leal

Hello folks. Who am I? I am Nathan Leal, a Minister of the Gospel. My message is the same message found in the Bible. It is a simple message which is - "Get your hearts right with God." Find revival in Him. Return to Jesus. My friends, the hour is late for America. God's people must get prepared to face the approaching season that is going to be challenging. I do not consider myself holier than anyone. Nor do I see myself as better. Like the Apostle Paul, I am striving to daily crucify my own flesh. I am also trying to prepare my family for what lies ahead. What do we do? How do we prepare? First, we must get our hearts right with God. We must all put away the vices in our lives that keep us from growing close to God. "What vices?", you ask? You know what they are! And if you don't, then get on your knees and ask Him. He will tell you. In His Service, Nathan Leal

Sermon Topics: In this sermon, we will look at King David's struggle during a low point in his life when he stumbled sexually with Bathsheba. We will also examine how he found rescue and forgiveness by God. This message offers a beautiful look at repentance and what it really is. It is for all of God's people! This sermon will answer many questions...

Legalism in Today's Body of Christ – Christmas in the Cross Hairs By Nathan Leal - Original release December 27, 2013 Warning - this article is going to offend some, but it is also going to set others free. Legalism is destroying the remnant church! I'm sorry that I have to say this but I believe that it is true. Over the last few...

The Eagle and the Fox! A Prophetic Dream   Nathan Leal January 20, 2012 WARNING! - American Pensions will be taken by the US Government! Note* - I had this prophetic dream approximately October 2010. I spoke about this prophecy on my old radio program on (11-02-10) It is located at the second half of the program at about the 46...

America’s New Pearl Harbor - A Prophetic Warning Nathan Leal - August 16, 2011 Hear Nathan's Survive2Thrive program about this vision with guest Steve Quayle; Listen Please Note - I do not have a date for this prophetic dream!  It could be months ahead or years ahead! I had this prophetic dream on the night of August 4, 2011. As it began, I was...

America’s Cancer and Sleeping Shepherds An excerpt from message #142 "A Call to Repentance - The Inkhorn and the Firebrand!"  - December 10, 2009 Nathan Leal The Audio of this Message #142 : Listen As I scan the horizon, I see the disturbing condition of America, a condition that glimmers like a beacon which cannot be ignored. I see a land that at this...

Self-defense: Are you a John Wayne or a Pacifist? Note - Putting erroneous rumors of pacifism to rest! Nathan Leal - October 27, 2009 Is there a happy medium? Can a person have a little of both inside of them? In this article I want to examine these matters and visit both sides of this debate. Experience has taught me that this...

A Biblical Explanation of the Present Judgment Old Sermons by Nathan Leal - Released 7-20-09 This is a primer to explain the late hour using the scriptures. Many Christians and Clergy doubt God's involvement in the Market Crisis! Use this audio to show your friends and family what is happening. The judgment is underway! Listen to Sermon – Listen   In His Service, Nathan Leal

"Liberty Will Be Decapitated!" By Nathan Leal - Feb.2, 2009 (Audio that discusses this prophetic dream - Listen )   Greetings Brethren, Over the last several days, I have had a burden that is increasing in my spirit. When I go to pray, the burden turns into travailing. Last night as I was seeking God, for a moment in the spirit, He allowed me to...

Nathan Leal - December 14, 2008 “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: …A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;”   Eccl. 3:1,4 According to Scripture, a child of God is never promised that every single day will be filled with happiness. There...

The Rapture Revealed - Part 2 Nathan Leal - June 22, 2008 In part one, we learned that the “resurrection” was the “foundational reason” or “truth” for the “Rapture event.”  (If you have not read part one, it is recommended.) In this lesson we are going to discuss an event that will occur right after the “resurrection.” But I must warn you, this...