Sermon – Jesus Feeds the Multitude – Part 1

Watchman's Cry Sermon
Sermon Topics:

This sermon is part one – of the series “Jesus Feeds the Multitude.”

In one of His many miracles, Jesus fed the multitude. He did this because He had compassion for the people…for they were like sheep having no shepherd.

Today, Jesus also desires to feed His people. My friend, He wants to feed and strengthen you! …and in these dark and unsettled times, God’s people need spiritual nutrition.

This sermon is part one of a new series that will offer encouragement and spiritual health for you and your family. I pray that it will bless you.

(To listen to the sermon, click on the provided link below. To Save audios to your computer, “right click” the “listen” link and click “save target as” or “save link as.” File will then save to your computer. Enjoy.)

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