Update – Audio Message is now on Youtube with captions for your convenience. Link is below.
News from the Wall
Iran War – Part 2
Audio Message by Nathan Leal
…It is progressing quickly!
The United States is headed towards a war with Iran, and the propaganda campaign to sell this war is underway.
MANY developments that have taken place in the last few days.
The false flags have begun and we can expect to see several of them take place. We may see them get progressively worse including the loss of innocent civilian life.
On this program, we will examine recent developments that are taking Planet Earth into WW3.
1. The “Northwoods Document” – An examination of the Pentagons deception.
2. A WARNING about a coming catastrophic false flag
3. War Hawks are steering the ship.
4. The great deception.
5. Babylon’s war with Persia – Iran.
6. Bible prophecy, Donald Trump and Babylon
7. Should you leave America?
This is part two of the multiple part series.
Please share with your friends and family.
Both the audio link and Youtube link are below:
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Or listen in the player below.
In His service,
Nathan Leal