The war of Ezekiel found in Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39 has been observed by many prophecy students. In...

The title speaks for itself. May it speak to the heart of those who are awake.

EMERGENCY prayer request - Nathan broke his back!! He was cleaning our chimney and fell off the roof on November 1st. He hit a patch of...

Operation Omicron - The Disclosure By Nathan Leal This disclosure will expose the plan of the New World Order Beast, which includes destroying the present...

This video is a disclosure of my present battle with illness and grief. Please pray for my family and this ministry and...

Are you weary in the Good Fight? After almost ten years of observation, Donald Trump fits the credentials of...

This video message was given to me by the Holy Spirit. It addresses the true sickness that has contaminated the hearts of Americans. I...

Comedian Heather McDonald mocks God and anti-vaxxers, then passes out. After bragging about getting the jab, and mocking God. Heather McDonald fainted on stage and...

An Open Rebuke to Israeli News Live.   "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye...

Announcement – Our next fellowship meeting will be on Sunday August 22, 2021 in Sandpoint, Idaho. It will be the last one in August. If...