Trump Antichrist Series: Episode 5 – MAGA Punks the Church – Occult Infiltration


MAGA is deceiving the church with occultic infiltration and satanic worship.

In this episode, we will prove that the MAGA movement has been infiltrated with the occult and the teachings of the New Age Movement.

Part of their strategy is conducting traveling road shows to gather support from Trump cult members. General Michael Flynn is involved in the Awaken America Tour and in their meetings, he has coaxed the Trumpsters into praying to demonic entities.

This video proves that MAGA is spreading the teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Alice Bailey, and Helen Blavatsky.

The Second Beast of Revelation is rising, making war with the saints, and overcoming them. Folks, we are watching a war that was not expected. … and many of today’s Christians are losing!

This video contain a very sobering message and warning for those who have the ears to hear. Please share. Nathan

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