

Articles, messages, transcripts and sermons by Nathan Leal and others

The Counsel of the Ungodly - Part 2 Discerning “Ungodly Counsel” in the End Times Nathan Leal - March 18, 2012 “Blessed is the man who walks...

Donald Trump meets with 1,000 Evangelicals - The Real Truth A Youtube analysis - video below by Nathan Leal --------------------------------------------------------------- (Sidenote - I want to say for the...

Trump's Coming Gun Grab Note - If you voted for Trump, I am not writing these words to condemn. I know that some folks voted...

America’s Cancer and Sleeping Shepherds An excerpt from message #142 "A Call to Repentance - The Inkhorn and the Firebrand!"  - December 10, 2009 Nathan Leal The Audio...

Donald Trump - What If? He says the right things. His words are hopeful and inspiring. "Make America Great"- Who could argue with that? Especially if...

2021 - What to expect in the Near Future! I published my recent Facebook video into Youtube. Flames are coming folks!! Please share this message with your...

WARNING there are images below that are disturbing, but I am showing them to expose the impostors who have infiltrated the alternative media and...

The Vegas Massacre - Woe Unto America - Evil has arrived. Over 50 dead so far in the Vegas massacre. Over 200 people shot. What sort...

We now have the PROOF that Trump is the Little Horn In this episode, we reveal that Trump is fulfilling the Prophecies...

( Note - portions of this article are excerpt from a previous - "News from the Wall" program.) "Pink America - Gay America" Today, I come...