A WARNING for America. War is coming. But Trump will not tell you the truth. Video


(NOTE – Making videos like this one is not easy, because some people do not want to hear the truth. But Christians need to know this information.)

This latest video presents a WARNING for America. War is coming. But Trump will not tell you the truth. Many Christians are in denial. I want to say up front that this video is not about politics. Instead it PROVES that America is in trouble. Donald Trump has a problem telling the truth and America is going to suffer the consequences because of it.

The GREAT DECEPTION has arrived and will bring chaos with it. God is going to use Trump to judge America with global war and chaos. This video is a Watchman’s Cry Warning.

Making videos like this one is not easy, because some people do not want to hear the truth. But Christians need to know this information.

In his service,

Nathan Leal
Watchman’s Cry

God bless