Authors Posts by Nathan Leal

Nathan Leal

Hello folks. Who am I? I am Nathan Leal, a Minister of the Gospel. My message is the same message found in the Bible. It is a simple message which is - "Get your hearts right with God." Find revival in Him. Return to Jesus. My friends, the hour is late for America. God's people must get prepared to face the approaching season that is going to be challenging. I do not consider myself holier than anyone. Nor do I see myself as better. Like the Apostle Paul, I am striving to daily crucify my own flesh. I am also trying to prepare my family for what lies ahead. What do we do? How do we prepare? First, we must get our hearts right with God. We must all put away the vices in our lives that keep us from growing close to God. "What vices?", you ask? You know what they are! And if you don't, then get on your knees and ask Him. He will tell you. In His Service, Nathan Leal

Congress recently had hearings about the existence of Extraterrestrials, and while a lot was not said, the real message is that "The Powers That Be," are, "projecting" that this UFO disclosure is an announcement to the world that ET's are real and among us. But will they be friends or foes?

They are no longer hiding what they are going to do. Today's radical Far-Right has a plan in motion to turn America into an Autocracy.If their plan succeeds, Trump will become The first dictator in America and butcher the Constitution. The plan is called "Project 2025." This is a real threat folks! If...

It is known by some as the "Rapture," but was it is? It is the event where Jesus is going to harvest the Earth to gather His elect. If you are seeking knowledge about the End Times, welcome to this ministry, where we study the end time prophecies found in the Bible.

UPDATE - Youtube has restricted this video and is requiring a "sign-in." But there is no reason for this other than to try to muzzle this warning, but not to worry because we have a remedy. I have uploaded this video to a different platform, Odysee. Here is the link:

The war of Ezekiel found in Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39 has been observed by many prophecy students. In Part 1, we proved with Scripture that the popular timeline for the war of Ezekiel is incorrect. In this session, Part 2 - we will continue the study and...

The war of Ezekiel found in Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39 has been observed by many prophecy students. Most church folks have heard the narrative of how it is going to play out, but does the Bible support this popular interpretation? No it does not, and on this program we...

His Second Coming is at the door. But until then we need to survive the madness of this world! Many folks are going through trial right now, including Christians. And with these unsettled days, its only going to get worst. As Christians, what are we to do? This...

Are you weary in the Good Fight? Faith For The End Times - It's Available for You! Why does it seem that sometimes, our prayers fail? Its one of the universal questions in Christianity. What are we to do when we struggle with our faith?

In this video, I voice my concern about Donald Trump and the threat that he is to the future of America. He has an obsession with being in power and is going to use any opportunity to become the Dictator of America! This in itself is terrible, but I am also concerned that he...

"Many are Called but Few are Chosen" This is a continuation of our previous message, "Many are Called, but few are Chosen." This sermon message will encourage those out there who are tired, weary, or even struggling in this late hour. This is a Tribulation Sermon.