
An Update on Nathan Leal's Health
.. A Praise Report


Nathan Leal - January 7, 2014

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, I want to take a moment and touch base with all of you who are listeners to my program and share with you an update of where I am with my health and the future vision that I have for Watchman's Cry Ministries.

First of all, I want to say thank you for all of the kind letters of support and encouragement that I received from you regarding the illness that I am battling.

Many of you sent helpful advice about remedies that previously, I did not know about. Learning about these remedies encouraged me greatly! Some of the information has given me hope that I can beat this thing!

For this, I am forever grateful!

Based on some of the information that I received, I have decided to enact a radical diet change to my life. I am also going to be trying out several nutritional regiments in hopes that I can win my battle against lupus.

As I continue down this new road, I am going to share my progress with all of you in hopes that my progression will encourage and inform others with similar ailments.

At this point in time, I am at the very beginning of this journey. But through prayer and faith, I am going to believe for positive results.

Negative Thinking?

I received a few admonishments from some of you who told me that I should not use the term, "having a foot in the grave."

If my use of that statement offended some of you, I apologize, but my friends, this was where I have been over the last year. My body has been under massive attack and my strength and health was depleting.

I was in decline!

I was concerned that I was almost spent.

This was why I shared my disclosure. In my heart, I just wanted all of you to know what was going on, but I now believe that God had another purpose, which was to make an appeal to all of you so that I would receive information to help me.

And thus, I am now very glad that I shared my illness because many of you reached out and informed me that there were remedies that existed out there. The remedies are alternative to the conventional thinking of modern medicine.

They have to do with a proper diet, proper nutrition, supplements and also through the use of various herbs that God gave to us.

Over the last few weeks, I have found myself undergoing a crash course in this information. I have read many articles. I have watched many YouTube's and I have immersed myself as a student to research the world of alternative information to seek a remedy.

Much of the information that was provided by some of you has opened up a new world of discovery and study for me. As many of you know, I am a researcher at heart, so the study of this information has been a joyful experience.

I also want to say thank you for those of you who sent me items which contained healing properties and nutritional value. Some of the items that I received are new to me. I did not know they existed, but now I do.

A Spark of Hope

Again, this information has given me a new spark of hope, not just to beat the disease, but to also be restored with renewed vigor and strength to complete my assignment as one of God's watchman and messengers.

I appreciate the support and patience that you have shown towards me and this ministry. I plan for the coming year to be one of victory for myself, my family and Watchman's Cry.

I also appreciate the prayers that many of you have offered to God for me in this situation. In the spirit realm, I can feel your prayers. They have been comforting.

My friends, without you I could not have made these health discoveries, so for this I am forever grateful.

I am at the very beginning of my new regiment, but I can already say with confidence that I can feel my body improving. Every day has been a slight gain so I am hopeful that the days will turn into weeks, and then into months, which will contribute to my restored health.

As my revived body becomes a testimony, I plan to share with all if you how it happened. I will share the information of my diet and also the nutrition and supplements that contributed to my recovery.

Hopefully, my testimony will be able to help others who have ailments or autoimmune diseases.

Since we are entering a very challenging period of time in our history, it is of utmost important that all of us try to find health and healing. For those of you out there that have struggled with your health, I am a brother who knows and understands the battle of ailments. I also understand the discouragement and toll that an ailment places on the soul. So I am hopeful, that my journey will be able to encourage and inspire others to also be revived from the sickbed.

Aside from the remedies that I am trying, I also know that I need God's miracle strength to complete my healing and that I am seeking by faith.

The Swine Flu Epidemic

Several weeks ago, my family came down with the flu that seems to be gaining momentum around the country. Based on the reports that I am hearing, I believe that it was the H1N1 Swine Flu.

It first struck my 20 year old son; he came down with a high fever of 103° for five straight days. He had not been that ill since he was a child. My wife and I nursed him and watched over and carefully with great concern. But thankfully, he recovered.

Unfortunately, within several days the rest of the family came down with the same thing. It struck my seven-year-old daughter, my wife, and then my other teenage son.

The flu also battled with me, but I was victorious.

It is now been 2 1/2 weeks and our family is now in recovery.

I believe part of the reason that we were victorious was prayer, and also the use of some of these new alternative remedies that I've just discovered. Since I had been researching a lot of alternative health information, I was primed to use the ideas with my family which I believe really helped.

This reveals to me that many of us can try to do something about the infectious attacks on our bodies through alternative means and have success.

I am sharing this information because, if some of you may be struggling with health issues, there are things that can be done. I now see and believe that proper diet and nutrition is very important in order to stay healthy.

And being that the swine flu is making an encore visit to America, it is imperative that we take care of our bodies by eating healthy and also by proper nutrition. At minimum, this means that it's very important to take vitamin and mineral supplements.

In the coming future, as my knowledge of this topic expands, I plan to share with all of you the remedies that helped to turn my life around. And ladies and gentlemen, I believe that for all of us, this topic must become an addition to our end time knowledge. Even right now, Americans are facing several health challenges.

1. Regular wear and tear on our bodies through aging.

2. Radiation from Fukushima which is now arriving on our shores.

3. Ongoing sicknesses and illnesses, - the swine flu, SARS, pathogens, and other creations from the Powers-that- be.

Because of these present and future threats, I believe that it's very important for us to become informed about the health challenges that we face and also the remedies that are available.

Therefore, I plan to share and talk about these things in future programs. I will also share with all of you the remedies that I know about, and also where to get them.

Folks, it has been very rewarding to know that God's people can work together to find solutions so that we can deal with the challenges that lie ahead.

I apologize for the recent delays in my program, but with my restoring health, I have much to bring to you.

With much love in Christ, I am forever grateful.

Nathan Leal
Watchman's Cry



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