Does The Bible Really Say the Antichrist will not Desire Women? Here’s the Real Truth.


One of the excuses that Trumpsters use to support him is to claim, “the antichrist will not desire women, and since trump likes women, he can’t be the antichrist.”

But does the Bible really say that? No it does not, but because of their erroneous interpretation, they are cleaving to the “man of sin,” and giving him a free pass to deceive them.

This has to STOP!

So as a servant of God, I sought God and asked Him to reveal what the passage really meant, and praise God, He revealed it.

So in this program I share it with the remnant. In this program we dissect that passage to get to the real truth about the passage, and it is not what most Christians have ever considered.

This will be a Bible study teaching that will once and for all explain what the passage really means. And for those who are hungry for the truth of God’s Word, this study will bless you.

Enjoy it and please share,
