War of Ezekiel & The Restoration of Israel – The Day of Israel’s Salvation Revealed!


The war of Ezekiel found in Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39 has been observed by many prophecy students.

In Part 1, we proved with Scripture that the popular timeline for the war of Ezekiel is incorrect.

In this session, Part 2 – we will continue the study and…

We are also going to learn WHEN Israel receives salvation from God. Yes, that’s right, the Bible tells us which day Israel will turn to Jesus their Messiah, and in this program you will see with your own eyes where it is found in the Scriptures.

We will also study the timing of the Rapture for Israel and the Church.

So get your Bible, a pen and paper, and take a lot of notes.

This End Time Prophetic information is a treasure.


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