Tribulation Has Begun – The Mark is Upon Us – No Man May Buy or Sell


Tribulation Has Begun – The Mark is Upon Us
No Man May Buy or Sell

By Nathan Leal

The Mark is Upon Us. The Sauce is becoming mandatory and they want to inject it into you.

Pastors are encouraging their members to get the sauce, and for that they are guilty.

What are God’s people supposed to do? For one, stop listening to the lying blind shepherds who are oblivious to what time it is.

What are you going to do?

The employment of many will become jeopardized as people are made to choose between getting vaxxed to stay employed or losing their job.

It’s getting real folks. In the coming weeks we won’t recognize America. As Christians we need to begin processing the SEVERITY of what this means.

Jesus told us there would be great sorrow. Denial is no longer an option. We must be vigilant as we begin facing the inevitable.

We must be ready to meet the Lord. He’s on His way, my friends.

Please share this with everyone.

In His Service,
Nathan Leal

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