MAGA Prophets & Demons in the Church – Polluted Pulpits


MAGA Prophets & Demons in the Church – Polluted Pulpits

(Video Link is Below)

This video exposes the false MAGA prophets who got it wrong about the recent election. The false prophets are many. But most of them adhere to the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) heresy of seven mountain dominionism, which is a doctrine of demons.

The MAGA movement was fueled by hundreds of FALSE prophecies about Trump being the chosen one. The prophets made many predictions and promises that they claim were given by the Holy Spirit. But now, we all know that they were wrong.

How did this happen? How could so many of these prophets get it wrong?

This video addresses those questions as we look into the Bible to see what God says about it.

It also includes footage of a VERY DISTURBING NAR church service where the people get “slimed,” by a NAR sorcerer preacher.

This session is Part 2 of the series “Polluted Pulpits.”

This information in these videos NEEDS to be shown to the body of Christ. Please share it with your friends and family.

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God bless,
Nathan Leal


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