Nathan Leal Guest Interview on A Minute to Midnite – Part II – Delusion Entered America – Deep State or Deep Sleep?


Nathan Leal Guest Interview on A Minute to Midnite – Part II

Delusion Entered America – Deep State or Deep Sleep? 

Nathan Leal presents some vitally important warnings to everyone who calls themselves a Christian, or for anyone who is unafraid to search for truth in these End Times. What is truly going on in America and the World? How did delusion enter the land, the people and worst of all- The Church? This message should be a challenge for us all to examine ourselves, who we follow and what we believe. It is important to listen to this show in it’s entirety. The further into the show it goes, the more powerful the message becomes!

What is a Watchman? What does the Bible say about it?

“The Lord showed me that a spirit of delusion had entered America. I am not intending to give it kudos but it is a very powerful principality, and it was allowed to enter the USA to bring delusion to those who do not want the truth. The deceiving spirit camouflaged itself, and sadly, the church welcomed it, and the watchmen community also welcomed it.” Nathan Leal

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Nathan Leal
Watchman’s Cry