Sermon – Gideon & the Angel of The Lord – Parts 2 & 3 – The Battle against Baal

Sermon Topics:

In the Bible’s past, Israel experienced hard times and judgment. The Scriptures tell us that it was because she struggled with Baal worship and idolatry.

Baal worship originated in Babylon and it has never gone away.

End time prophecy tells us that the spirit Babylon will once again invade planet Earth with corruption, deception and brutality! The corruption has arrived!

In these sessions, we are going to examine how Israel struggled with Babylon’s religion of Baal and how they found victory over it.

This message will encourage and challenge the believer who struggles with the strongholds of addiction.

(To listen to the sermon, click on the provided link below. To Save audios to your computer, “right click”  the “listen” link and click “save target as” or “save link as.” File will then save to your computer. Enjoy.)

 Listen to Sermon, part 2 – Listen


 Listen to Sermon, part 3 –  Listen