Authors Posts by Nathan Leal

Nathan Leal

Hello folks. Who am I? I am Nathan Leal, a Minister of the Gospel. My message is the same message found in the Bible. It is a simple message which is - "Get your hearts right with God." Find revival in Him. Return to Jesus. My friends, the hour is late for America. God's people must get prepared to face the approaching season that is going to be challenging. I do not consider myself holier than anyone. Nor do I see myself as better. Like the Apostle Paul, I am striving to daily crucify my own flesh. I am also trying to prepare my family for what lies ahead. What do we do? How do we prepare? First, we must get our hearts right with God. We must all put away the vices in our lives that keep us from growing close to God. "What vices?", you ask? You know what they are! And if you don't, then get on your knees and ask Him. He will tell you. In His Service, Nathan Leal

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are arriving on earth and they have a mission. Sadly, most folks are unaware, and worse, are not ready to face what's coming. Friends, the year 2022 is going to become very challenging in the days ahead, and as wise Christians, it is important that we understand...

Reptilians are invading the Church... But they are not what you think! My friends, there is a spiritual battle taking place in the Body of Christ, and the enemy has initiated an operation to infiltrate the Church and the lives of believers. This message contains a dire warning for God's remnant. May it bless you. Please share. Nathan Leal Please help support this ministry. This helps...

What are Russia's Goals? This video reveals the reasons why Putin invaded Ukraine, but the reasons are not what you are being told. It's about "Russkye Mir." It's about Russian Demography. It is NOT what you are being told by Tucker Carlson. Russia has plans to invade more countries, which will lead to a wider war in Europe, and eventually WW3. World War...

The Color of Truth is Red by Nathan Leal The church is treading its oars in a soup of darkness through the night without His light from above. And in the rush, a cascading overflow awaits them which will tumble them into the Tribulation's Abyss. Because that's where we are folks. We are there! We are living in that time that the saints of...

An Open Rebuke to Israeli News Live.   "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them." Romans 16:17 The Bible tells us to warn God's flock of threats in their midst. These days are upon us and I must warn about Israeli News Live. We are at...

Announcement - I will no longer be on Facebook It has become a den of vipers, trolls, fakers, hypocrites and wasted time! I will be posting my sermons, and warnings here on this website. If you wish to be notified of new content, you can subscribe, or send me an email to be on my contact list. My email is: My youtube...

Video Links are below, Youtube. Odysee, and Rumble - coming soon! Ladies and gentlemen, you are being lied to and I have to say something! The church is being ransacked by impostors who are poisoning God's people with a gospel of deception. Israeli News Live is raising money for Communist Comrades. The guy he is using is Russell Bentley, an avowed communist. Lara...

Nazis in Ukraine - Trolls in America & Deception Throughout the Earth The End Time Beast is arriving on Earth. It will bring with a spirit of deception where the entire earth is bombarded with delusion. The Red Horse of War has arrived and has brought deception and destruction. The Rising Beast Empire has fighting from within. We must navigate our journey...

The Rise of the Beast - It Will Devour Much Flesh The End Time Beast is upon us. The Bible tells us it will devour much flesh as it stomps over the earth and awakens the sleeping ones with a nightmare! Please do not be caught off guard. This message is a warning from the heart. May it be heard by all...

Russia Invades Ukraine - Vlad Putin - New American Hero Episode 3 This message is a warning for everyone. They attend church in America.... They are your Facebook Friends.... ... They are Putin's new Fans! But little do they know about the Nazis! Before commenting on this video to correct or disagree with me, please make sure you watch the whole thing. And if you disagree,...