A Watchman's Cry Expose' from the Wall
America – The Road Ahead - Part 3
Prophetic Warnings of Things to Come –
The Coming Invasion by China and Russia
By Nathan Leal - November 13, 2013
(Note – Portions of this article are taken from “News from the Wall 17 – Part 4”)
Welcome to Part 3 of the series.
Part 2 is here
Part 1 is here
In this session, we are going to talk about the approaching invasion of the United States by China and Russia. I know that at first glance, this proposal may seem preposterous. The USA has not been physically invaded by opposing troops since its early beginnings, many years ago.
But ladies and gentlemen, this is going to happen in America’s future and I share these things to alert and challenge everyone who has the ears to hear so that they can prepare themselves.
Folks, it is coming! An incursion is in store for Mainland USA. It will result in the occupation of foreign troops on US soil.
Most Americans cannot fathom that such a thing could ever take place, but Jerusalem also thought the same thing before they were invaded by Babylon in 587 B.C.
“The kings of the earth, and all inhabitants of the world,
would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy
could enter the gates of Jerusalem.“ Lamentations 4:12
I have seen these things prophetically and as a watchman of God, I must warn as many people as possible that this chapter is in the later pages for America. As you read this warning, please take these matters to God for insight on what you must do to prepare.
For those that are paying attention, it is obvious that the USA is in the midst of great turmoil. Right now, the country is in a downward spiral. The regime is immersed in perpetual scandal.
This is occurring in more ways than we can count!
1. ObamaCare is turning out to be the bureaucratic blunder of the new millennium. At its very core, it makes no sense. It is laced with lies, inconsistencies, and fraud. It also appears that it will play a role as one of the incendiary devices that will ignite America into revolt and chaos.
2. A suicide debt-bomb is strapped to Uncle Sam. But most Americans are clueless and do not seem to care. Little do they know that debt bombs create a wide swath of destruction when they detonate!
3. The world is discovering that the USA has an insatiable thirst for voyeurism and enjoys spying on people throughout the planet. Uncle Barak’s - NSA has big eyes and ears to see and hear your every move.
For those who may be opposed to “Operation Peeping-Tom,” do not complain. These measures are intended to keep America secure.
By the way, do you get warm fuzzies at the thought of predator drones flying over your house while you sleep?
Losing Patience
The other nations of the world are losing patience with America’s Orwellian antics. This is falling in line with Bible prophecy. The Book of Revelation tells us that in the end, The New World Order - Beast will “hate” the woman – Mystery Babylon, and will eventually destroy her and burn her with fire;
“And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.” Revelation 17:16
This will be the subsequent fate of the United States of America - fire and destruction!
Presently, Obama’s strategies are resulting in irritating many nations who were once our friends. This is not a slow trend. It is on a fast-track and it is gaining momentum.
Just recently, Saudi Arabia began severing diplomatic ties with America because of Obama’s policies that gravitate toward terrorist enemies.
Obama is aligning with terrorist groups; The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaida, Al-Nusra, and others.
The White House is being infiltrated with members of the Muslim Brotherhood -
Obama has been secretly lifting Iranian sanctions, thus alienating Israel as an American ally.
I am not saying these things to just “bash” Obama. I am sharing this information because they are evidence that Obama is willfully destroying the last vestiges of diplomacy that respect our Western Allies.
The Truth is the Truth!
This report is not about politics. It is about the truth! The evidence speaks for itself. And the truth is going to affect all of us in the coming future!
Ladies and gentlemen, I am not saying this as a Democrat or a Republican, I am saying this as a God fearing American Citizen; the Obama Administration is taking the USA into an area that borders on insanity!
There will be ramifications for these things! They are not occurring in a vacuum and once they are complete, they will be difficult to undo!
Conclusion – America is being led into an abyss and her future is in jeopardy! Why is Obama doing this? How many saw it coming? If you are awake, most likely, you did!
I warned about this five years ago, when Obama was given the first election.
I remember receiving hate mail back then that accused me of vocalizing sour grapes. But folks, these are not just sour grapes! The madness of the present regime will result in the “Grapes of Wrath” for America!
…Grapes of wrath, folks!
…Grapes of divine judgment!
The Bible reveals to us that when God judges a nation, He allows the nation to be attacked by their enemies. This is called the “sword” judgment.
“If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword"; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Isaiah 1:20
I could spend a lot of time giving a biblical explanation of the sword judgment, but I have many programs that have touched on this topic.
Raiders from Far Away Lands!
My friends, the bottom line is this; the future of America is going to experience carnage from raiders of another land. The invaders will not have mercy: neither will they respect the Constitution of America.
They will give allegiance to a strange god from a faraway place. And they will be influenced by evil spirits of violence, deception, and corruption.
How can these things be? The reasons are many….
…70 million aborted babies!
… A plague of sexual deviancy!
… A backslidden nation…
… The people of God with memory loss…they forgot their God!
The reasons are many!
…The remedy is ignored… still they would not repent!
…The steps are in motion…
…The tally awaits…
…The enemies are sharpening their swords!
It is apparent that Obama has chosen his allies – the scimitar wielding terrorists! And because of these actions, America is going to be invaded by her enemies as a part of the judgment from God.
Sadly, it does not appear that these things will be stopped. I have addressed this in the past. Therefore as those who are awake, my suggestion is that we prepare for the approaching consequences.
As I begin and share this warning, I want to make it clear that I do not have a specific date of arrival. However, based on the deterioration of America’s foreign policy, the wheels are in motion for their eventuality.
As a watchman of God, from time to time, God shows me things in prophetic night visions. I explain the details of this spiritual gift here.
Over the past few years, God has allowed me to see several prophetic glimpses of invasion and war that will take place in the United States of America.
Ladies and gentlemen, I saw America invaded by foreign troops and I will now share these prophetic visions.
Invasion Dream #1
This dream occurred several months ago, on August 10, 2013. It was very disturbing. In this dream, God showed me one of the battles that is coming to the United States. When the dream began, I was in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was evening. I was at the foot of Cheyenne Mountain which is located in the western part of the city.
An air war was taking place above me. It involved US Air Force jets which were flying back and forth in the evening sky. Their elevation was not very high, perhaps a few thousand feet. I could see their markings as they flew by.
I remember noticing that a third of them were red, a third of them were white, and a third of them were blue. So, they their colors were red, white, and blue. In the evening sky, that had a partial glow to them.
The air battle was against what appeared to be Russian MIG’s. I could not tell if they had Chinese or Russians pilots, but it was a very engaging battle. Our Air Force jets seemed to be able to maneuver faster than the MIG’s but the MIG’s appeared to have more strength.
As the battle took place, some of the Air Force jets flew towards the east into the horizon and dropped bombs in the distance. From my vantage point, this would have been towards the plains of Eastern Colorado or even towards Kansas.
I found it odd that our Air Force was dropping bombs on American soil. I guess, that meant that there were invading forces in the distance of the east. I could not see the enemy troops on the ground. I just saw the explosions in the far distance. I assumed that they were from either China or Russia.
As I was watched the air war continue, I saw an enemy missile approaching from the east. It was traveling very fast.
I was expecting it to be shot down but it was not. It continued towards Colorado Springs, where I was standing and approached the top of Cheyenne Mountain.
Colorado Springs is the location of a fortified nuclear bunker called NORAD – which stands for the North American Aerospace Defense Command.
This is the North American missile shield complex that is located in a bunker in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado.
Cheyenne Mountain is located on the western edge of Colorado Springs, near Fort Carson. For those who may remember, NORAD was featured in the 1980s movie War Games with Matthew Broderick.
In the movie, Broderick’s character accidentally hacked into NORAD’s computer to play video games. This resulted in the NORAD computer almost starting World War 3. Here are a few details about NORAD.
As the dream continued, I saw the incoming missile approach this installation on Cheyenne Mountain. It did not hit the side of the mountain but it flew over the top and exploded over the peak. I saw the bright flash of the detonation. From where I was, could not see a mushroom cloud, so I am not sure if it was a nuclear missile. It appeared to be some sort of bunker buster intended to take out the missile shield of America. Whether it was successful, I don’t know.
A point of interest, since the NORAD facility is so heavily fortified, it would be difficult for a bunker buster to damage it. Perhaps in this dream, Cheyenne Mountain represented America’s defenses which were under duress and attack.
- A Widespread Battle
While I was watching the air battle, I got on my cell phone and called a friend who lives in Northern Idaho.
He answered.
I said, “Hey, are you seeing this? Can you see what I see?”
He said, “Yes, I can see the air battles taking place from here in Idaho. I’m watching it also.”
This revealed to me that air battles and war were taking place from Colorado all the way to Northern Idaho.
This meant that the United States was under a large scale invasion because if war was taking place from Colorado, which is a fortified inner part of the US, and also in Idaho which is considered the inland Northwest, this would mean that the coastal areas of the USA were also under attack or had already fallen to invading forces!
I was disturbed by this. In the dream I felt adrenaline, panic, fear, and sadness that this thing was taking place. The United States was being invaded.
Suddenly, the scene changed. I was no longer watching a war. It appeared that the dream fast forwarded into the aftermath of the war.
- Chinese Propaganda Campaign
I found myself inside of a public building. I don’t know where the building was located. It’s possible that it could have been in Idaho where I live, or it could have been in Colorado. I’m not sure, but I was in some type of public building. It appeared to be either a school or a community center.
I was in the hallway area that was fairly wide and able to handle a lot of traffic just like a school hallway would.
This event was a gathering of the public. It resembled what you would see on an election day where there are helpers and volunteers who sit at a table and hand out the buttons that say “I voted.”
This was a similar scenario.
There were four to five folding tables set up in the hallway. Each table had three to four elderly volunteers who were handing out brochures. The brochures were a part of a PR campaign to explain to all of the US citizens why Chinese soldiers were now in the United States.
The information was meant to put everybody at ease that the Chinese soldiers were here to be our friends and to help us. It explained that the soldiers meant us no harm and were in the US to do good things!
I looked down and read one of the brochures After a moment, I looked back up. When I did, I saw several Chinese soldiers standing along the wall behind the tables in the hallway.
They were standing at attention. They were dressed in black tactical gear. They were carrying weapons. But they did not speak. They were just standing at attention…motionless!
I found myself getting angry and I raised my voice at the site of the soldiers.
I asked the elderly volunteers who were sitting behind the table, “What do you mean they’re here to help? These soldiers are here because of the war!
The words were deliberate.
“…They are here because of the war!”
In other words, they were here to occupy us. They were not here for peaceful means.
The elderly volunteers tried to convince me that the Chinese troops were only here for humanitarian purposes. I did not believe any of their words. In my heart, I knew that the intentions of the Chinese soldiers were to conquer and occupy.
The dream was over.
The Meaning
Ladies and gentlemen, this prophetic dream was a glimpse of what is coming to America. Eventually, the United States is going to be invaded by China and find itself in a Red Dawn scenario.
This is the warning; at some point in the future, America is going to experience an invasion by Chinese forces.
After they are here, they are going to be able to convince the general population that their intentions are noble and humane!
I know that this does not seem possible, but after their arrival, they are going to be able to execute a successful PR campaign that will win over the senior population of America.
How can this be? At this moment, I can only speculate but perhaps they will do this by making promises of benefits for the elderly. Perhaps, it will be a promise of “Health Care” and / or “Retirement Benefits.”
According to my prophetic glimpse, the senior population believed it. They believed it enough to promote the presence of the Chinese.
But I didn’t believe it. I found myself angry with the proposal. One thing that I have noted is that the emotional response that I experience during a prophetic dream is usually the response based on true discernment.
I was angry with the lack of vigilance from the elderly because I sensed that they were accepting a lie. And worst, they had willingly enlisted themselves to promote their future imprisonment under Chinese occupation.
To me, this thought is disturbing and makes me sad. I do not want this future for my children. But unfortunately, this future is in store for America.
Can it be stopped? Yes.
Will it be stopped? I know that I say this a lot, but no, I don’t think so.
America’s momentum towards this judgment has traction, speed and a considerable amount of current that is driving it towards this end.
So, when is an event like that going to take place? I don’t know, but because of the Chinese occupation that resulted in the previous dream, I must now share another night vision that I had about a year and a half ago.
Invasion Dream #2
In this prophetic dream, I was in Dallas, Texas visiting a Bible College. At this point in time, I will leave the college unnamed. Perhaps I will mention its name in the future.
I was visiting the college to attend one of their chapel services. The sanctuary was full. It held about 1,500 hundred students. I entered the sanctuary from the very back of the building and when I walked into the chapel area, there were Chinese soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder along the back wall of the chapel. There were approximately 50 to 100 of them.
All of them were carrying automatic weapons and were dressed in black tactical military gear. Their outfits were the similar to what the soldiers were wearing in the previous dream.
As I entered the chapel through a side door by the back wall, I saw all of the soldiers. They were lined up along the back wall. They all stared forward and had no emotion. To find a seat I needed to walk past them. My seven year old daughter was with me and walked in front of me. Walking in front of my daughter was an elderly lady about 75 to 80 years old. She walked very slowly.
- A Crushed Foot!
As she passed the long line of soldiers, one of the soldiers lifted his knee into the air and brought his heavy boot down on the ladies shoe.
It came down hard and crushed her foot. As he did it, He said nothing. He also had no expression.
She fell into the back of the seats in severe pain. As this happened, I became upset and was going to check on her but at the same time, another soldier shoved my daughter and push her into me.
Between these two things, I became angry at their bullying.
I got into the soldiers face and started yelling, “Why did you do that? She’s just a little girl?”
I stepped back and continued, but I began to address all of them.
I said, “What are you doing here? You have no business in our country.”
I continued my words to them but they did not respond. They had no emotion and were almost robotic.
After I yelled at them for a few moments, I turned toward all the people who were sitting in the audience.
I began to address them in a loud voice, “People! Can’t you see what’s going on? Doesn’t this bother anyone? The Chinese soldiers are here!”
Then I said the same thing that I said in the previous dream, “They are here, because of the war!”
I had much passion as I spoke. One of the teachers of the college walked over to me and tried to calm me down. He attempted to dismiss the presence of the soldiers. He told me that the Chinese Soldiers meant no harm and were here to help us.
- Blindness and Apathy
I could not believe what I was hearing.
I said, “Are you serious?”
I knew that what the teacher was saying was not true because I witnessed the aggression of the soldiers with my own eyes. They crushed the foot of the elderly lady and they shoved my little girl for no reason.
The teacher’s false words made me angry.
I answered him, “How can you be so blind?”
I then began trying to get the attention of the students to warn them, but most of them did not even look at me!
Those that did only glanced for a brief moment but then went back to what they were doing; talking to one another, texting one another.
The students acted like zombies without a care in the world. In this Bible College, no one seemed concerned that Chinese soldiers were with them.
Then the dream was over.
The Meaning – Why Were Soldiers in a Bible College?
After I had this dream, I kept it to myself for a while.
When I first had it, I did not understand why Chinese soldiers were in a Bible College.
I was puzzled that they were able to convince the college administration that it was okay for them to be there.
What did it mean? I asked God. I prayed about it.
This is what I’m able to conclude thus far. As we watch the present downfall of America, we can also see that there is a spiritual stupor that has taken over the country.
As I have shared in the past, spiritual slumber and blindness always works in concert with God’s judgment over a people. Those that are blind cannot discern the signs of the times. This is why so many of them reject the warning message. It is because they cannot see.
If you happen to be reading this alert and find that you are struggling with the authenticity of this warning, please inventory your spiritual condition. This warning is for those that have the eyes to see.
I apologize that these words are blunt, but folks, the hour for America is very late. The aggressors are sharpening their swords.
Those who can see … will see!
Those who cannot see will accept the coming occupation.
The invasion event is going to take place with a citizenry that is plagued with spiritual slumber, blindness, and apathy.
Folks, the plague of blindness is underway and is already reaching pandemic levels. And how true this is, when we observe how the administration has already been able to lead the country into desolation without a viable challenge!
- Trojan Horse Obama
In five years, Obama has managed to enter America as a Trojan horse and dismantle the country.
Sadly, half of the population is happy about it and many of them have no clue that it’s going on.
And the other half? Many of them are snoozing away, too drowsy to notice their impending doom.
But I am noticing it! This is why I am releasing this alert…
…To him that has the ears to hear!
In my prophetic dreams, I saw the elderly population under a spell, as well as members of the church.
A Bible College represents the leadership of the church as well as the future leadership of the church. In my dream, none of them cared.
- How can this be?
Ladies and gentlemen, in this late hour a powerful spirit of deception is hovering over Nation America with devouring success. It is lobotomizing the minds of many people and it is happening before our very eyes, even right now.
This is one of my continuing challenges. Please do not allow yourself to be overtaken with apathy and complacency.
Apathy is a very strong power that will not easily release its grip, once it has taken hold!
Why the Occupation?
In the span of a little over a year, I have had two prophetic dreams that revealed Chinese troops occupying America. It leaves me with questions about the scenario that would bring this about.
1. What would cause such a thing to happen?
2. How could a fortified country like America fall to invasion?
The USA is a superpower. So would an invasion occur by conventional means or by something unconventional that involved deception?
3. Will the Chinese be initially invited to come in to help us?
4. Was the air battle that I saw the result of a surprise invasion?
5. Will the Chinese initially come in under the guise of peace? In other words, will they enter America under the façade of UN humanitarian workers?
6. If so, would the Chinese troops enter America to help us, feed us, or rescue us?
7. Will America experience a future event where we will ask the Chinese for help to bring order? If so, what would the event be?
- An EMP? Grid down?
- A natural catastrophe?
- A massive tsunami?
- An earthquake?
- A terrorist attack?
- Civil unrest, Mayhem, Civil war?
- A pandemic or plaque?
- An earth change event?
Is it possible that the Chinese would enter the country under one umbrella but then as a trojan horse, reveal their true intent?
I know that I am asking a lot of questions but I am doing so to ponder how this could happen. Presently, I do not have all of the details about “how.” My prophetic dreams allow me to see bits and pieces but not the whole thing.
I’ve been holding on to these visions for a while but now, I have witness that it is time to share this information.
It’s time to sound the alarm!
It’s time to let Americans know that the days of this country are numbered and that eventually, the future is going to be very dire!
- The Old and the Young
When the Chinese soldier crushed the foot of the elderly women and then shoved my daughter, it revealed something. When I shared this message on the Hagmann & Hagmann program, Doug Hagmann commented that this revealed that the Chinese incursion was going to conquer and overcome the young people as well as the old people in America!
And folks, how true this is!
When the invasion occurs, it will strike a crushing blow to the feet of the Nation. America will not know what hit her or how it happened!
The invasion will be swift, quick and hobble the Nation of America! It will also have the strength to push over the youth of the nation!
Will there be a resistance? Yes, I will talk about it later in this alert.
My friends please be watchful. The changes are in motion!
Today in late 2013, America is already wounded. Uncle Sam is in intensive care. And this has been accomplished without the firing of one bullet.
Sadly, this nation is not ready for what is coming, and most Christians are also not ready for what is coming!
Invasion Dream #3
But moving on, I don’t believe that we’re going to be limited to Chinese troops. Over five years ago, I had one of my first prophetic dreams about foreign occupation.
The dream took place at a public school. It could have been an elementary school or a middle school. I was in a small city. An announcement had been given that all of the residents of the city had to go to the local school for a citizen registration. The reason for the registration was that there had been some sort of terrorist attack or threat.
When I arrived at the school, there was a long line of people. The whole town was there. It was mandatory. I got into the line.
It was not pleasant. On both sides of the line were soldiers. They were wearing grayish blue outfits. The outfits were not black like the Chinese uniforms.
I heard the soldiers speaking Russian. So I assumed that they were Russian.
The soldiers were poking and prodding the people to keep the line straight. They were not kind.
As the line moved, I eventually got to the front of it, I heard other soldiers speaking. But they were speaking German. There were not many of them.
There were more Russian soldiers than Germans.
I did not know why there were foreign troops. None of the citizens spoke out about it.
There was at atmosphere of fear and intimidation.
The dream was over.
A Nation Divided
According to several of these prophetic dreams, it appears that at some point in the future, portions of the USA will come under Chinese occupation and other parts of the country will be occupied by the Russians.
In my dream, I heard German soldiers speaking to one another, but there were not many of them. Perhaps, the Germans were helping the Russians as consultants.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that America will experience occupation by foreign troops in her future. Again, I do not have a date. But these things are going to take place as a part of God’s judgment on America.
My friends, this is the part of the warning that must be emphasized, God is sovereign. He is in charge. He could stop this from happening if He chose to.
Unfortunately at this point in time, this thing is going to play out to its bitter end.
Although America is wounded and bleeding, she is continues to march away from God. America has forgotten her heritage. She has forgotten her Maker. I have shared these things many times on my programs.
- To the Patriots
For those of you who are patriots, I know that these are not the words that you want to hear. Please know that
I do not enjoy sharing them!
They bring me no joy. Over the years, I have lamented that these things were so! I have experience heartache and sorrow that my home will see these things.
I have carried the burden that my children will have to live in this dark future but this is what God has shown me.
Some of you may wonder if there will be a resistance to the coming invasion.
Will free citizens fight against this incursion?
My answer…Yes! There will be an opposition to this. Some people will fight!
…some will fight valiantly!
…and some will perish with bravery!
The American spirit that desires freedom will not go down easily when this event arrives.
How Long?
I have often wondered how long this judgment will last. I know that God is a merciful God. All He wants to see is the heart of America turn back to Him.
At this point, it has not happened. Based on what I read in the Scriptures, when God judges a land, it usually takes a season of darkness and pain to wake up the people to repentance.
Could a foreign occupation be the driving force that turns the heart of America back to God? My friends, I hope so.
I would hope that the coming events would recharge God’s people into a great revival that includes repentance and reenlistment into God’s Kingdom.
Unfortunately, when America returns to God, the landscape will be much different than what it is today.
The future revived church may possibly be an underground Church.
Up to this point, God has called me to sound the alarm that tragedy is coming to America. He has not shown me how the tale is going to end.
I am hopeful that it will end with America limping back to her God.
It is all about our hearts my friends. Let us turn to Him now so that we can be sheltered under His wing when these things arrive in the future.
May you seek Him and find Him as you search for Him with all of your hearts.
God Bless you and may God have mercy on all of us,
Nathan Leal
(Note – Portions of this article are taken from my audio program
News from the Wall 17 ”)
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