07/31/15 |
Nathan Leal's -
"For Such a Time as This"
"Jesus - The Bread of Life - Feeds the Multitude - Part 3 "
"A Table in the Wilderness"

Show Topics:
This sermon is part three of the series "Jesus Feeds the Multitude."
In this session, we will look at the portion of Scripture where Jesus fed the people and commanded them to sit on the grass and He also had them sit in rows of hundreds and fifties.
Why did Jesus do this? Every part of this account has a deep spiritual meaning.
This sermon will examine the hidden message that God has placed as the incredible promise of His Second Coming that is embedded in the account of the feeding of the 5,000.
This message will also strengthen and encourage those who are alone living as God's child in the wilderness.
Listen |
06/17/15 |
Nathan Leal's -
"For Such a Time as This"
"Jesus - The Bread of Life - Part 2 "
"Fives Loaves and Two Fish"

Show Topics:
The are many people out there who want more of God but at times, they struggle to understand God and the Christian journey. This message will encourage those who are spiritually hungry or need a touch from God.
This sermon is part two of the series "Jesus Feeds the Multitude."
In this session we will look at the portion of scripture about Jesus being the bread of life and the hope that He brings to mankind.
This is a message that will strengthen those who need a touch from God in these dark times.
Listen |
06/06/15 |
Nathan Leal's -
"For Such a Time as This"
"Jesus - The Bread of Life"
"Jesus Feeds the Multitude Series - Part 1"

Show Topics:
In one of His many miracles, Jesus fed the multitude. He did this because He had compassion for the people...for they were like sheep having no shepherd.
Today, Jesus also desires to feed His people. My friend, He wants to feed and strengthen you!
...and in these dark and unsettled times, God's people need spiritual nutrition.
This sermon is part one of a new series that will offer encouragement and spiritual health for you and your family.
I pray that it will bless you.
Listen |
04/01/15 |
Nathan Leal's -
"For Such a Time as This"
"Defeating Spiritual Sluggishness"

Show Topics:
In these last days, are you spiritually tired or weary?
Does condemnation's voice of"why bother," frequently visit you?
Do you find yourself feeling "less than?"
Do spiritual things appear "dull" to you?
If so, then you many be suffering from spiritual sluggishness; but sluggishness is not the plan that God has for you.
In this message, we visit talk about this ailment and what to do about it.
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10/4/14 |
Nathan Leal's -
"For Such a Time as This"
"Gideon & the Angel of The Lord - Part 5
...Becoming a Living Sacrifice"

Show Topics:
In this session we will examine Gideon's sacrifice and offering to the Lord.
Gideon's gift to the Lord represented several things including those of us who desire
to be a living sacrifice for God.
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09/25/14 |
Nathan Leal's -
"For Such a Time as This"
"Gideon & the Angel of The Lord -
...The Call of God - Part 4 "

Show Topics:
In this session we will examine the call of God upon Gideon and Gideon's response.
It occured when Israel was in turmoil and pain. Today America is also in pain.
And today God is also looking for people like Gideon.
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09/04/14 |
Nathan Leal's -
"For Such a Time as This"
"Gideon & the Angel of The Lord -
...The Battle Against Baal - Parts 2 & 3"

Show Topics:
In the Bible's past, Israel experienced hard times and judgment. The Scriptures tell us
that it was because she struggled with Baal worship and idolatry.
Baal worship originated in Babylon and it has never gone away.
End time prophecy tells us that the spirit Babylon will once again invade planet Earth with corruption, deception and brutality!
The corruption has arrived!
In these sessions, we are going to examine how Israel struggled with Babylon's religion of Baal and we are also going to see how they found victory over it.
Part 2
Part 3 |
08/21/14 |
Nathan Leal's -
"For Such a Time as This"
"Gideon & the Heart of Deliverance - Part 1
...The Foreign Oppression"

Show Topics:
In this message we will look at a time in Israel's biblical history when they were oppressed by their neighbors.
Why did it happen? Why did God allow it?
We will also examine the parallels of Israel's turmoil and America's growing turmoil.
Times are growing weary in the USA. What does it mean? What are we to do?
This sermon will answer these questions and more.
My prayer is that it will be a challenge and a blessing.
07/14/14 |
Nathan Leal's -
"For Such a Time as This"
"David & the Heart of Repentance"

Show Topics:
In this sermon, we will look at King David's struggle during his low point in life. We will also examine how he found rescue and forgiveness by God.
This message offers a beautiful look at repentance and what it really is. It is for all of God's people!
Listen |