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The Rapture: Pre - Mid or Post It is one of the most difficult topics to discuss with Christians. And one of the most misunderstood. The popular teaching of the pre-tribulation rapture theory is also one of the most heavily defended part of Christian doctrine. While at the same time the least studied. It's true. Just ask the average pastor how much he has actually studied the topic of "the rapture". Most will say that they have not spent that much time on the subject. They will give a variety of reasons and excuses why they haven't. "Too scary to teach ", "To hard to understand", "I choose to concentrate on more important things", and on and on it goes! And it is even worse for the average believer. Most of the knowledge that Christian's have about this subject, has been obtained from their pastor. So here we have an interesting situation. The pastors have not studied "the rapture" but they teach about it. And then we have the church members repeating and believing the "unlearned" information that they hear from the pulpit! Now what's wrong with this picture? It's pretty obvious. Of course, we all know that there are a few "authors" out there who have made a lot of money promoting fictional books and movies about the rapture. The "Left Behind" series has sold millions of copies worldwide. Because of the success of this series, we have even more people who think that the events in the books are really true. The Bible is very clear that in the last days there will be a strong delusion. It also warns us that there will be those who will, "... exchange the truth of God for a lie." Last Days Indeed, in these last days, there are many lies at work. But the primary one that I see as being pivotal in keeping the church asleep would be the teaching of a pre-tribulation rapture. Think about it. Because most people are counting on the "rapture" to rescue them from time of trial that is approaching, they find NO reason to prepare. And as a result, they are going to be caught off-guard when government soldiers start rounding up Christians in America. They are not going to know what to do, when food becomes expensive and scarce. They will have no clue how to react when their loved-ones get arrested before their eyes. Falling Away Jesus said in Matthew 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." When they begin to see massive death, they will realize that the rapture did not happen! They will bitterly blame their pastors and God. Seek the Truth If you are a pastor reading this and you are preaching the pre-tribuation rapture theory to your congregation, please begin searching the scriptures yourself. Do not just teach this idea because your denomination expects you to. Ask God to give you wisdom so that you can see past the false doctrine of man. For 20 years I was in the Assemblies of God denomination. And for 20 years I wrestled with the pre-tribulation rapture teaching. I saw that the verses used to defend a pre-trib rapture have TOO many holes in them. I finally asked God to show me the truth of this matter. And He did. God revealed to me that this teaching is NOT true. He showed me using hundreds of verses in the Bible. As an example, Matthew 24 describes the last days. No where do we find the rapture rescuing anyone before the return of Jesus. In fact, it shows the opposite. We see Christian persecution as one of the events to come. Study and Prepare In this late hour, it is up to every one of us to study so that we are "...approved by God, as workman handling accurately the Word of Truth." During the coming persecution, the Bible is very clear on how Christians will overcome, Revelation 12:11 says, " And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;..." The Word of their testimony! Friends, NOW is the time to begin, not just casually reading the scriptures, but we need to DEVOUR them! We need to do all that we can to get the Word memorized and hidden in our hearts. Rev. 1:3 says, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. It was no accident that God instructs us to read, hear and keep the words found in Revelation. When the events begin to unfold, it is only the Christians who are prepared who will know what is going on around them. The rest of the blind church-goers will still be on earth defending the pre-tribulation rapture as the Revelation Seals are being broken and the Trumpet Judgments are occurring. We must be willing to seek out the truth of God on this matter. ( more coming ) God Bless You, Nathan Leal
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