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The Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Preparation of the Remnant! An interesting story appeared in a Thailand newspaper recently . The article was titled, "Have the four horseman of the Apocalypse begun their awful ride?" The article did not conclude with an answer of yes or no, but was just speculating and admitted that the future did not look good! If we were to survey American evangelical pastors with that same question, what do you think they would say? Most likely, the majority of them would answer, "Of course not, we are still here, aren't we?" And with that type of answer, we would know that they were placing their trust in the "Pre-Tribulation Rapture" The Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory maintains that Christians will not see or experience ANY of the horrible events written in the book of Revelation. Why? Because God will rescue all Christians off of the earth before the events begin. Therefore, (according to most preachers) the four horseman of the Apocalypse would not be released onto the earth until the rapture happens. There is only one problem with the Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory... it is WRONG! For those readers that wish to stop reading now because you are offended or you disagree, God bless you. For those readers that have been indoctrinated with this theory but deep down inside you know that the theory does not hold up to scriptural scrutiny, please read on. (Also, please see the many teachings in this site that explain the scriptural truth on this matter.) To everyone else that is not ensnared with this fable, also read on! There is a lot of ominous news on the TV today. I find it very strange, how today's news stories are raising alarm in the hearts of some Christians while at the same time other Christians dismiss the news altogether. They don't care! Is it apathy? Is it foolishness? I asked some of these people, “Are you concerned?" Their answer, "God will take care of me, because I have faith!" I then ask them, "Are you going to store up food?" Their answer, "No, God will take care of me" After more probing, I find out that these people don't believe the gloomy news in the first place. "There won't be a food shortage" or “The gas prices won't get that high, because President Bush will make them lower the price!" Perhaps you have heard similar statements. One might wonder, why would Christians think this way? Why would people think it is prudent to not be prepared? Why would people think that unpreparedness is faith in action? The Bible is full of instruction on being prepared for evil days. "A prudent man foresees the evil, and hides himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished." Proverbs 22:3 So why do some not feel the need to prepare for a grim future? Many Christians base their reaction to world events in direct relation to their beliefs. If Christians don't believe that they will see hardship and famine because the rapture will rescue them, then why prepare? But if we know that hardship, famine, and trying days are in our future, then we would be wise to prepare for them. Especially, if you have a family, I would even say this to you my brother or sister, if you do have family that depends on you, you better start preparing NOW! To my other brothers and sisters that are still hoping for the pre-trib rapture, I ask this question, "What if by some strange reason, you were wrong?" I know that you did not mean to be wrong in your theology, but what if you are wrong? What if your pastor is wrong also? Think about that! If you are wrong, have you prepared yourself for what may come? Even the late Christian artist, Keith Green used to say, " Pray for 'pre', but prepare for 'post' ". He was referring to the rapture! Have you mentally prepared your loved ones to endure? Will you be able to depend on your pastor for food? Will he even stick around if everything fell apart? These are hard questions that need to be asked, because there is a possibility that you may answer them in your lifetime. Today's church is in a slumber that will soon result in spiritual calamities. And for the simple reason that the people are not being warned or preparing for what is coming. The Bible predicted that this would happen, "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Matthew 24:12 When unprepared pre-tribulation Christians find themselves in the coming Depression, MANY will lose their faith and walk away from God. This is sad to hear but unfortunately the Bible says that it will happen. Is there any good news in any of this? Actually there is! Out of the midst of the slumbering church, God is raising up a group of people that are hungry for Him and seek to know Jesus like never before. This “Remnant” group of Christians are the set apart ones that are hearing the voice of God to prepare themselves and their families. It is the calling of this watchman to minister, train and encourage the remnant of God to be able to stand and endure whatever the days ahead may bring. Please be watchful of "Remnant" teaching and learning materials that are coming soon. God Bless You. Nathan Leal
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