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"Jade Helm vs. America - By Nathan Leal - May 8, 2015
The rabbit hole has become very deep folks! When I first started this study, I had no idea that it was going to lead me into the journey that it has. Based on what I have uncovered so far, it appears that "Jade Helm" is a manifestation of transformation and change for the US Military. Since the mid - 1990's, this has been one of the goals of past and present neo-cons. This was expressed in the nefarious document, - "Rebuilding America's Defenses - which was published September 2000 by the "Project for a New American Century or PNAC." In the document, the desire for transformation and merger with information technology was repeatedly stated:
Like a Hollywood script, the PNAC Document has been one of the inspirations for the new doctrine of the Pentagon; a doctrine which is transforming the U.S. Military. As it changes it method, it will also morph into a creature that is confused with her loyalty. She will wonder if she should be... ... loyal to freedom...or loyal to tyranny?! In the end, she will complete her transformation into something unrecognizable. In her folly, she will join the alliance of the New World Order. As this occurs, the world will cross the line into the Orwellian nightmare of Big Brother, thus fulfilling End Time prophecy. The Biblical End Time Beast The Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation - Chapter 13 that in the time of the end, a Beast would rise from the sea having great power and authority. This Beast would be an evil empire that rules the world with tyranny and satanic power. The New World Order Beast will use its governing authority to rule with military strength. This will enable it to control the world's population by force.
The end time regime will also use tyranny, fear, duress, detainment, rendition, torture and surveillance to corral and subdue the population. This will be no small feat for the ruling elite and to accomplish it will require crafty military machinery that is always able to keep the people pinned down and subdued. Enter Jade Helm... Jade Helm is the beginning chapter where the US Military will hone its new way of conducting warfare. US Army sends Propaganda Representative to Texas On April 27, 2015, Lt. Col Mark Lastoria made a trip to Bastrop County, Texas to answer questions from concerned citizens. Below is an excerpt of part of the session where a question was asked about the Jade Helm Logo:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note - The conversion above is examined and broken down in the Hagmann interview.
Images: Below: a snapshot at the Jade Computer program.
Below: Note the word JADE in the title. Below: A screen shot from the Jade Project from CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY... click the link for many more images: The Jade Helm Computer Program....
Below: a screen shot of the Wikipedia page that explains the Sabot. Make note that the term "sabotage" originated from the action that took place during the 16th to the 19th century. During the question and answer session in Bastrop Texas, Lt. Col. Lastoria said that the term came from WW2.
Below: a screen shot of the Wikipedia page that explains "Asymmetric Warfare". The term describes war between "belligerents" and a state military. In the context of "Jade Helm," it could include war between the U.S. Military and those who are labeled as "domestic terrorists," which would include, patriots, militia groups, Christians with end time beliefs, veterans, Constitutionalists, etc. Below: a screen shot of the NSA's Utah Data Center. This massive complex is a part of the Big Brother Orwellian - Global Information Grid which has merged with the U.S. Military's intelligence gathering.
The Data Center confirms that America has entered the future world of Orwell and the line that preserved Habeas Corpus has eroded. For our friends across the pond, the UK has its version of prying eyes. It is called the Global Communications Headquarters or GCHQ. Their building is modeled after the occultic triquetra. It is nicknamed "The Doughnut." as shown below. For Canadians, if you are feeling left out, don't!! Big Brother is also spying on you! The Canadian version of the NSA is called "Communications Security Establishment.." and it is open for business. It operates out a massive complex of over a million square feet. By the way Canadians, if you like to download media, the Eyes of the Crown are watching you. It is called "The Levitation Project." For our friends, Down Under, the spying includes Australia and New Zealand, "Pine Gap" is one of projects where data is gathered. Located south-west of the town of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, it is operated by Australia and the USA. Below is an image of the Pine Gap Top Secret Base:
The world has changed folks! Is anybody noticing? I produced a new Youtube video that summarizes some of this information. It also broke down a segment of the question and answer session that is noted above, where a question was asked about the Jade Helm Logo. If can, please try to listen to this Hagmann interview. A lot of important information was disclosed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documents: Rebuilding Americas Defenses - PNAC - Project for a New American Century.pdf Directive_3025.18_Defense_Support_of_Civil_Authorities.pdf US Army Internment and Resettlement Operations FM 3-39.40.pdfCognitive Joint Force Entry - White Paper.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Conclusion Friends, it is becoming more and more evident that we are in the last days. This means that eventually, the New World Order Beast system will take over the world. When this occurs, the only way to endure will be to have a relationship with God through Jesus. The New World Order will not be stopped. It is Bible Prophecy, and every one of us is going to have to choose our spiritual condition as we journey through it. Sadly, the Bible tells us that most of the people of Earth will go through the End Times holding onto their sin.
Folks, please do not be among those who are mentioned above. The time is now to repent and get your house in order. Please share this information with your friends and family. May God be with you all and see you through. In His service, Nathan Leal
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