
Jaguar Illuminati Commercial - Good to be Bad - Decoded

Updated Notes 4-8-14, 11 PM PT

From The Illuminati Unmasked Series:
The secret messages from the Superbowl decoded.

Jaguar Illuminati Commercial - Notes & Images

By Nathan Leal - April 5, 2014

(A word from Nathan - In this study, I will examine the Jaguar Commercial that was broacasted during the SuperBowl. It is a work in progress. In this research, I do not claim to have all of the answers about these matters. I am merely studying them and seeking to uncover the truth through the provided clues.)


The Freemason , Manly P. Hall said in his book - "The Secret Teachings of all Ages" -

"Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries; in fact it is the language not only of mysticism and philosophy but of all Nature, for every law and power active in universal procedure is manifested to the limited sense perceptions of man through the medium of symbol. .... By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language. ... the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable. Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret doctrine of antiquity must search for that doctrine not upon the open pages of books which might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where it was originally concealed..."


Based on the citation above, it is admitted that Freemason symbolism matters to those who practice this esoteric dark craft., i.e. the Illuminati.

Manly P. Hall wrote those words in 1928. And since then, things have not changed. Today the Illuminati operates in "plain site," but most people do not notice.

Thus, for the person who seeks to be discerning, we must look below the surface layer of their productions to extract their communications, warnings and proclamations. They love to "telegraph" and "project" their New World Order game plan in front of all of us because they know that for the most part, the majority of people are doing this...

The image above is from the Superbowl Jaguar commercial which we will be talking about in these notes.

Super bowl 2014 played an ominous Jaguar commercial. It went by several names: "British Villains" / "Rendezvous" / "Good to be Bad" ...

It was directed by Oscar winner Tom Hooper and also included three actors who were portrayed as villains. They were British actors: Ben Kingsley, Mark Strong and Tom Hiddleston.

Tom Hiddleston is known for his role as "Loki," the evil brother of Thor who in the film "The Avengers," commands the people of New York City to kneel down and worship him.

A sad part of the film is that because of fear, most of the people do bow down...

Here is a clip from "The Avengers" where Loki gives his "kneel" speech. I find the speech disturbing as well as profound in its prognostication of human nature.



The Jaguar Super bowl commercial was a big production that was populated with Illuminati symbolism from start to finish.

Below is the Director's Cut of the longer version (2 minutes long.)



Here is the shorter version (1 minute long) ...



Ben Kingsley begins the commercial by saying, "Have you ever noticed how in Hollywood movies all of the villains are played by Brits?"


Mark Strong arrives in a jet and exits the plane. His assistant is waiting for him on the tarmac.


He says, "Maybe we just sound right."


The assistant gives him a set of keys. This gesture is more than superficial. It symbolizes the handoff of a "set of keys."

To the Freemason, mastering their craft requires that the apprentice obtains an understanding and possession of the "keys" to the secret knowledge.

Manly P. Hall said in his book - "The Lost Keys of Freemasonry" -

"They are the keys which, if only read, will leave the student still in ignorance but, if lived, will change the speculative Masonry of today into the operative Masonry of tomorrow, when each builder, realizing his own place, will see things which he never saw before, not because they were not there but because he was blind. And there are none so blind as those who will not see."


After the assistant hands off the keys, the villain - Mark Strong says, "Thank you Mary"...


A symbol of the Freemason keys


Here are the same keys with a group of other Masonic Symbols. Make note of the shape of the keys.

And then compare them to the ones in the picture below.

Do you see it? The image below is is the Coat of Arms for the Vatican and the Papacy! As you can see, the keys are the same.

Does this mean that the Vatican and the Illuminati are connected?

I think the brilliant sleuth Colombo would have considered this information a "clue."


The association of the "keys" with the woman named, "Mary" is also interesting.

Which Mary are they talking about?... Again, ladies and gentlemen, the Illuminati always reveals but then conceals. We must look under the surface layer to decipher this information.

The mention of "Mary" was no accident. But which "Mary" were they talking about? The Catholic version? Who does "Mary" represent?

Manly P. Hall admitted that to them, Mary is "Isis" the Egyptian goddess.


Is "Mary" a code word for this guy...?


I find myself wondering about this hand off of keys to the villain. Which locked doors do they open? ...Esoteric locks? Geopolitical?...the door to chaos?

...the keys to the encrypted nuclear football....?

I hope not.....! The gentleman below is carrying the nuclear football. What a responsibility!

When the time is ripe and they are ready, the villains are going to take this world through a new doorway of history. So do "they" now have the keys to this giant door?

For our sake, I pray that they do not, but I also know that eventually they will possess the keys to the world's sorrow. Were they revealing that they now have these keys or that they will soon have them?

Eventually, the hand off of keys will be made for this event...

"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit." Revelation 9:1

The Illuminati is waiting for their messiah to arrive. When he does, he will be given the keys to the pit so that he can unleash the final invasion from Hell.


In this commercial, the villain is portrayed as suave, sophisticated and cool!

He says, "Thank you Mary," and gets in his Jaguar and drives away. The image below reveals something interesting.

Do you see it?

What else do we have? A jet plane at the top of a pyramid. The plane arrived from the sky and delivered the villain.

"I saw Satan fall from Heaven, like lightning." Luke 10:18

The villain arriving on the tarmac can be symbolic of Satan arriving on earth and receiving the keys.


As the commercial continues, Tom Hiddleston appears seated in a "Dauphin 2 - Helicopter" and says, "We're more focused....more precise."

In the screen shot above, make note of the lamp next to Hiddleston, another symbol for the "illumination."

He stated the words..."more focused" which makes reference to their "EYE" of illumination. To the Illuminati, they are the privileged ones who through their discipline have "focused" their craft to see the "illuminated" truth.

During a Masonic initiation ceremony, the candidate must experience a rite of passage where he acquires new awareness and goes from darkness into light.

The ritual requires that the candidate is blindfolded at the beginning of the ceremony but then the blindfold is removed to signify a new awareness of the light.

In the early years, during an initiation, the Masonic candidate would wear a set of goggles with blackened lenses. As the ceremony progressed, the lenses were opened to reveal the light. These goggles were called a "hoodwink."

They were odd looking indeed...

As the villain stated, "precision" is important to the architects of Freemasonry.

Another Masonic writer, Dr. Albert Mackey also said in his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry:

"A symbol of the secrecy, silence, and darkness in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane.

This means that to "them," everyone outside of their craft is blind, ignorant and PROFANE, because they do not have a grasp of their esoteric art.

This is why they value the focused precision of their occultic dark practice and their symbols of secrecy.

Folks, please beware. These people are really out there and they think very little of you. I consider their satanic craft to be a twisted perversion and an abomination to the Living God Yahweh.


As the commercial continues....

Mark Strong says, "We're always one step ahead."

He then drives into a tunnel..

This speaks volumes. As human villains are able to travel above the earth, their demonic counterparts travel "under" the earth.

The tunnel signifies that there are powers beyond our physical realm who are working insidious plans to take this planet to an evil and dark conclusion.


Ben Kinsley speaking from his lair says, "We have a certain EYE for detail..."

There it is again....a reference to the "eye."

... an "eye" for detail. Freemasons equate the knowledge of esoteric architecture with the attainment of secret knowledge. This is why detail is so important to them.


Tom Hiddleston then says from the helicopter, "... And we're obsessed power!"

This statement speaks for itself. The New World Order minions are starved for power and self gratification. They believe that their satanic goals for world domination will satisfy them. Unfortunately, they will never be able to obtain God's inner peace by their carnal methods.

For the rest of us, their NWO plan is merging with end time Bible prophecy. And eventually their evil plan will steer this world into chaos and mayhem.

They desire to see the world in flames because then, their phoenix can rise out of the ashes.

For them, the Old World Order must be destroyed to bring about their New World Order.


As the commercial continued....

The villains traveled alongside one another. One was in the helicopter. The other in the Jaguar.

They passed the "London Eye" Ferris Wheel. This image has several layers of illuminati symbolism.

Again, we have another reference to an "Eye." But this one is much larger.

It represents the "Master Eye." It is illuminated and it is able to watch and see everything.


As they continued, they drove alongside a double-decker bus. Make note of the number nine. Number nine is an Illuminati number of great significance.

Also note that they are approaching Big Ben, the clock tower, which is further down the road. This implies that they are on a schedule with a deadline because eventually they will reach the end of the countdown and will then transition into the allotted time for engagement.

...Which begs a question...when is the deadline? And what is on their schedule? I believe that eventually they are going to activate the next phase of their evil plan. I have been discussing these things on my program for years, so be sure to tune in for more.


As the helicopter and the Jaguar traveled along each side of the bus, we were able to see that it had a few sleeping passengers within. Make note that the villain - Hiddleston, is visible through the glass while flying alongside in his helicopter.

This is telling because it shows that while most people are going about their everyday business, they are in a sleepy stupor with a total lack of awareness to that which is taking place around them. I find this visual an accurate portrayal of present day society.

The includes the USA, the UK, Canada, and the rest of the West. The majority of people have no clue that today's world is in a meltdown and is approaching a total system failure! Instead, they are snoozing away.

They also have no clue that they are being watched by villains who are consumed by power.


The commercial continues...Hiddleston says, "A stiff upper lip is KEY"..

Again, another reference to the word "key." This is not an accident or a coincidence. The use of this word is deliberate to communicate that they value these esoteric elements in their craft and in their motives.


They then passed into the entrance of Buckingham Palace. What type of security clearance would allow this? Are the villains moonlighting as Royalty? Are Great Britain's Royalty really villains?

The plot thickens...I will talk about these things on the program.

I wondered about this but then I noticed that the villains did not arrive outside of Buckingham Palace. It was somewhere else.


The helicopter landed on one side of this mystery building while the Jag parked on the other side. Where can this be...?

Make note of the background in the image below. The London Eye is watching and time (Big Ben) is also looming in the distance. Their NWO plan is on a schedule and they are committed to accomplishing their mission in the correct time frame.


As Hiddleston stands outside of the building, he first looks if he is waiting...but then the "Illumination" begins from above. The lights begin to turn on...


They become bright and shine on him...the power thirsty villain...

He looks up at the lights....

But these are not ordinary lights. They represent the lights of "Illumination."

He bathes in their glow...

The villains love their dosage of illumination. I expect it is because being a villain takes its toll on their darkened soul. So they substitute the real light of God with a counterfeit.

But where is this location...?

It is "The Queen's House"...

The Queen's House is located in the Greenwich District of London several miles east of Buckingham Palace. It was commissioned by King James 1 for his wife, Ann of Denmark. The architect who designed and built it in the early 1600's was Freemason Inigo Jones.

Inigo benefitted from King James who promoted Freemasonry during his reign. (Are you in shock yet?) Yes, that's right folks. King James was a Freemason. I will address this in the future.

Inigo Jones built Freemason symbolism into the Queen's House. The self supporting winding stairs were the first of their kind at the time in Great Britain. The image below is a photo of these stairs. As you can see the stairs mimic the Masonic "eye" of illumination.

And the "Eye of Ra"

The symbolism of winding stairs hold great significance to the Illuminati.


In addition to the stairs, there is other Masonic symbolism in the Queen's House. The floor of the Great Hall is designed in black and white tile patterns to mimic Masonic dualism.

This practice is common in Freemasonry as in the Masonic temple images below.

Make note of the star of illumination in the middle of the floor images below ......


This design has an inner circle with pyramid points.


As I stated, the winding stairs hold great significance to the Illuminati.

This is why the villain is standing at the the foot of them outside of the house.

Did you notice that there is are two sets of stairs? The concept of pairs or twins is important to them. I will be talking about more of this in a future program.


As the commercial ends, Kingsley says, "Ah yes's good to be bad!"

The absurdity of that statement is obvious.

The Bible says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
Isaiah 5:20

But in this late hour, people cherish the bad ones and seek to run alongside them.

The villain's lair is located in the Freemason Designed Queen's House. This is profound.

This means that the villains in today's end time environment are the Freemasonic Illuminati.

Can you see it?.....

To be continued - I will be talking much more about these things in upcoming programs. If you wish to know when a new program comes out, subscribe to notifications below....Nathan



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