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"Who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us." Romans 8:34
As we wrote yesterday, dear readers, our Redeemer lives! It was He who died for our sins, it was He who was raised from the tomb after three days and it is He who is at the right hand of the Father. Even as I write this devotion today, and even as you read this article at your own time, Jesus is interceding for us before the Father, as Paul writes today. Are you under some kind of condemnation today? Are you being tortured by guilty thoughts? Did you do someone wrong and your conscience is bothering you? But, just who is condemning you? Christ is the one who gave His life for you, Christ is the one who died and was raised for you, Christ is the one at the right hand of God; so, who is condemning you? Satan, that is who. But, dear reader, Satan is a liar, a false accuser, and a defeated foe. Paul tells us today, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, that Jesus is interceding for us in heaven. God has acquitted us and has, by the blood of His only begotten Son, removed our guilt and sin. And, so, it is Satan and not God who accuses us. However, when he does, Jesus, the Advocate for our defense, stands at God's right hand to present our case. The writer of Hebrews carried this thought further when he wrote in 4:14-15, "Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has being tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin." Jesus experienced the full range of temptations throughout His life as a human being, and, so, we can be comforted knowing that Jesus faced temptation and that He can empathize with us. We can also derive great encouragement knowing Jesus faced temptation and yet He did not sin. By His divinity, He can intercede for us before the Father in heaven. Is that great or what? I know I have repeated myself here, but repetition emphasizes the point, right? Jesus Christ understands us, dear readers. He has felt what we feel, He has been tempted, as we are tempted, but did not cede to temptation as we often do. He not only knows what we feel but understands perfectly and is capable of explaining to Father God what we are going through. Satan cannot do that; all Satan can do is accuse and lie about it. Remember, even when we know God as our Savior, there are times when we commit sin. The Holy Spirit then comes to convict us of sin so that we can come to the foot of the cross in repentance of that sin. He does not condemn us, He convicts us, He reveals us our sin so that we can repent. Are you with me here? Satan is a liar and he condemns. The Holy Spirit is holy and convicts us in such a way that if we listen, He will bring us to repentance and that repentance will bring us back into God’s holy presence. Father God, we adore You today and we thank you for this day. Help us, Father, to daily walk by your side, in the name of Jesus we thank you, Amen Have a great wonderful fun-filled day. I love you all, Daniel Leal
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