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Jesus Christ started His sermon on the mount of Olives by saying, "Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ' and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." Matthew 24 :4a-6
Note that this is the beginning of the sermon and even before He makes all His points in His sermon He warns them and us that false christs will come saying that they are He. He warns them that they will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but not to be troubled because that is not the end, yet. But these things must and will come. You dear readers know everything that Jesus told them and us in the sermon of the Mount of Olives do we not? He talks about the great tribulation, he talks about the coming of the Son of Man,The parable of the fig tree,He tells them and us that no one knows the day not hour of His return except the Father. He teaches them and us about the evil servant and the good faithful servant, the parable of the wise and the foolish virgins, and the parable of the talents. He tells them and us that the Son of Man will judge the nations and you and I. And he concludes His sermon by saying to them and to us in chapter 25:46, "And these (the ungodly) will go into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." Dear readers, from 24:6 to 25:46 Our Lord told them and us a lot of things that are to come. And come they will. We already have wars and rumors of wars and we already have famine and so many of these things our Lord talked about are here already and the rest are yet to come and come they will. But remember that at the beginning He told us "See that you are not troubled." And that dear readers is what I am talking about today in this "ministry of peace." this next few days. Dear readers I am very concerned with the way things are going right now in our Country and yes in Israel and indeed the world. I should be concerned, and so should you, and I am sure that you are. But "troubled?" No I do not think so, my Lord told us not to be troubled by all that He said us in that sermon. To be troubled by it all would be to disobey Him, it would mean that I or we did not listen not pay attention nor will we obey Him in His sermon. t the beginning, He told us not to be troubled and at the end of the sermon (25:46) He told us that we, the righteous will have eternal life. So dear readers why are you troubled by the affairs of the world? Trust in the One who saved you and do not be troubled. Father build in us a courageous heart, a heart that confides in You, a heart that knows You and knows that all will be well in the end because You are our God who told us so. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen. Love you all, Daniel Leal, stay tuned.
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