"Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the Lord." Why does the Psalmist advices us to be of good courage? Because we know by faith and in blessed hope that the deeper our troubles, the deeper our praise should be because we know that He will deliver us from all our troubles in that day. That day could be tomorrow or even today. That day is not necessarily the day of the second coming, that day could well be the day that He calls your name of you just go to meet your maker. And so today I say to you dear readers, be of good courage and keep looking to Jesus with that everlasting hope of glory. Dear readers please understand me today. I am not against fire and brimstone from the pulpit, we need to hear the word in all aspects of it, but in it all we must not forget that God is love and He will not permit one hair from your head to be burned will He? The word says that there will be famine and death and destruction. People will be asking the mountains to fall on them and a lot will die. We see people dying everyday, in China, In Burma in war areas. We see people dying here in America, in floods in mudslides and we see people die in fights with the police and with each other. Is that not hard times for them? In my own family I have children that are needy and without some comfort in the near horizon, but we have hope and faith that all will be well in the near future. We have that hope because what else are we going to do? We need to be of good courage and by being of good courage He will strengthen our hearts because we all hope in Him and on His promises. Wow I like that. Be of good courage my brethren. God is good all the time remember? Have faith and keep your hope up always and He Will be your Strong Tower. Father in the name of Jesus lift up Your child that is bowed down with pain and internal grief. Strengthen us in You in the name of Jesus, Amen. Have a great day. Love you all, Daniel Leal
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