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"I taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by their arms; but they did not know that I healed them. I drew them with gentle cords, with bands of love, and I was to them as those who take the yoke from their neck. I stooped and fed them." Our heavenly Father often draws us with cords of love, oh but how we fight against them sometimes? Like fish fight to stay in the water, we sometimes fight to stay in the world and do not want to leave Egypt (our sinful ways) and our sinful "incense." And then, at times, when we come to Him, we do not fully understand that we are healed from our sinful nature and oh how slowly we respond to His gentle tugging of our hearts. He draws us to experience a gentle life and a gentle love in Him. And, as He slowly and gently gives us the faith we need to grow in His love and tender mercies, we slowly begin to want to serve Him and love Him more every day. How beautiful the hands that break the chains that bind us; how beautiful the hands that remove the "yoke" from our necks. Our Lord does that for us as we begin to realize that it was He who indeed healed us and set us free. I, like Ephraim (Ephraim was one of the twelve tribes of Israel), was taught to walk by my God. I, like Ephraim, was taken by the arms and led down the high road of His grace. I, like many of you, knew it was He who saved and healed me. I, like many of you, could feel the gentle tug at my heart and soul asking me to come and feast at the table that He set before me. God, the Father, draws us to a closer communion with Him. . We have been sitting, waiting, at the doorsteps of His house and now He invites us to come in and enjoy the fullness of His blessings at His table of love; there are many more rooms in His house and they are all full of good and lovely things for us to enjoy. Those of you still living in sin (waiting at the doorsteps of His house), come in and know that it is He who takes your arm, realize that it is He who heals you and draws you with gentle cords of love. Know that it is He who can and does remove the yoke of bondage from around your neck. As He taught Ephraim to walk, so will He teach you. Do you have a teachable spirit today? Father, how gentle your touch is to us, your children. Gently pull our loved ones to You today. Gently tug at their hearts by the wonderful love and power of your Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen. Have a blessed day in Him. Love, Daniel Leal.
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