EMERGENCY prayer request – Nathan Leal broke his back!!
EMERGENCY prayer request - Nathan broke his back!!
He was cleaning our chimney and fell off the roof on November 1st.
He hit a patch of...
Post Election Warning – Woe to the Earth, The Little Horn is Here!
The Election is Over. Trump won. What's next?
This is it folks, Trump has revealed that he is...
Trump Antichrist Series: Episode 4 – MAGA Declares War – Donald, Son of Alexander...
MAGA has declared war with the USA and the Constitution.
He Cast Truth to the Ground – Is Trump the Antichrist?
In this video, we look into the Scriptures and compare Trump's behavior with the Bible's description of the Antichrist.
The Breaking of the Seals has Begun! The Genocide of Earth is Upon Us!
The Breaking of the Seals has Begun! Genocide of earth is Upon Us!
On April 29th 2021, the Lord revealed something...
Is Trump a Cyrus or a Nebuchadnezzar? What Does the Bible Say?
Is Trump a Cyrus or a Nebuchadnezzar?
What Does the Bible Say?
By Nathan Leal
Warning - the following commentary may anger some, but it will also...
Trump Antichrist Series: Episode 5 – MAGA Punks the Church – Occult Infiltration
MAGA is deceiving the church with occultic infiltration and satanic worship.
In this episode, we will prove that...
Order out of Chaos – Get Ready!
The Trump Regime is forming before our eyes.
Only a few more weeks of freedom remains.
Should You Leave America? What If You Can’t?
By Nathan Leal - October 17, 2015
Interesting title, huh folks? I am starting with a question that is difficult to answer. Perhaps it is...
The Rapture Revealed
The Rapture Revealed - (Fixed)
Nathan Leal - June 6, 2008
In this lesson, when I say the word “Rapture” I am referring to the Pre-Tribulation...