Meat in Due Season Sermon Library "Zacchaeus & the Fig Tree!" Topics: 1. Why do some salvation conversions not last? 2. Building on the right Foundation. 3. Finding True...

Reptilians are invading the Church... But they are not what you think! My friends, there is a spiritual battle taking place in the Body of Christ,...

Rescuing Loved Ones from the Abyss - Tribulation Saints Boot Camp By Nathan Leal Dark Winter Approaches, but your loved one is not ready. Can you relate?...

One of our biggest challenges in these end times is navigating through the darkness. But at the same time the enemy will...

Sermon Topics: In this sermon, we will examine Gideon's sacrifice and offering to the Lord. Gideon's gift to the Lord represented several things including those of us...

Polluted Signs & the Temple - Tribulation Boot Camp Series Part 2 by Nathan Leal The tribulation has begun folks. End Time Signs are happening...

Note - Because of Youtube's Nazi Censoring of this latest video, we are mirroring our videos to other platforms. See links below: Madness has taken...

Update – Sermon is now on Youtube with captions for your convenience. Link is below Fighting the Good Fight Part 2 - Origins - The...

In these dark times, many Christians are struggling in their walk with God. Many are fighting discouragement, depression, and are having trouble finding victory. This sermon...

 Sermon Topics: This sermon is part three of the series "Jesus Feeds the Multitude." In this session, we will look at the portion of Scripture where...