Meat in Due Season - Sermon Library "The Lord's Prayer - Part 13" "Thy Will Be Done - 4th Session" Topics: 1. The Ultimate: Thy Will Be Done...
Watchman's Cry Sermon

Sermon Topics: This sermon is part one - of the series “Jesus Feeds the Multitude.” In one of His many miracles, Jesus fed the multitude. He...

The Hidden End Time Sign of La Palma. The Tribulation has Begun - Shaking is Coming By Nathan Leal Ladies and gentlemen, the tribulation is upon...

Sermon Topics: In this sermon, we will look at King David's struggle during a low point in his life when he stumbled sexually with Bathsheba. We...

Nathan Shares Three Prophetic Dreams about WW3 which includes a Land War in Europe, America and Martial Law Lockdown

Israel in Prophecy - Why the Church Must Support Israel This video will explain...

Meat in Due Season Sermon Library Stirring Up Our Hearts by Way of Remembrance! Stories in the Bible - Weeping Woman who sought Jesus and received...

Sermon - Jesus Feeds the Multitude  Part 4 Continuing with Jesus… …or in other words -Don't Give Up Sermon Topics: In the second feeding, Jesus fed 4,000. This...

A Sermon by Nathan Leal / Watchman's Cry Fellowship Once Saved Always Saved - Satan's Lie Tribulation Rapture Boot Camp We are in the End Times. The...

Update - Sermon is now on Youtube with captions for your convenience. Link is below. "But Even If He Doesn't" - A Sermon for the...