Time of Sorrows Part 2 – A Sermon – Now on Youtube –

Update – Audio Message is now on Youtube with captions for your convenience. Link is below.

A Sermon – By Nathan Leal

This is part two of the sermon series, “The Time of Sorrows.”

Ladies and gentlemen, in this new year of 2020, grief and sorrow is going to be a portion of the spiritual weather that arrives in America and throughout the earth. Sorrow is here because we are in the end times, and the Four Horsemen are eager to trample the Earth!

As remnant believers, it is important that we understand this season of the last days.

Jesus told us about it in Matthew 24, where He gave the Olivet Discourse, and it was in this chapter where He warned us about many of the challenges that would come during the time of the end.

This message goes into it.

Topics covered:

1. End Time Deception – the Little Horn
2. The Foretelling of God’s End Time plan.
3. The Sorrow of Losing Loved ones.
4. Dealing with Discouragement during this Dark Season.
5. Returning to our First Love.
6. Finding Victory.

My friends, in spite of the darkness out there, God wants all of us walk in victory. Unfortunately, a lot of folks are pretty beat up right now. Many remnant folks are discouraged. And some of them are struggling in their faith. This message will address these things and offer encouragement, hope, and victory.

I pray that this audio sermon encourages and bless you.

Please share this message with your friends and family.


Both the audio link and Youtube link are below:


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In His Service,

Nathan Leal