Sermon Topics: In this sermon, we will look at King David's struggle during a low point in his life when he stumbled sexually with Bathsheba. We...

Satan has infiltrated the Church with poison and impostors, but they fly under the radar and then fight with you on Facebook...

Meat in Due Season Sermon Library "The Lord's Prayer - Part 1" Topics: 1. Wounded Recruits in the Remnant Army! 2. Wounded Ones Dwelling Afar with Dry Souls!...

Sermon - Jesus Feeds the Multitude  Part 4 Continuing with Jesus… …or in other words -Don't Give Up Sermon Topics: In the second feeding, Jesus fed 4,000. This...

Update – Sermon is now on Youtube with captions for your convenience. Link is below: News from the Wall War is Coming - It's time to Seek...

Rescuing Loved Ones from the Abyss - Tribulation Saints Boot Camp By Nathan Leal Dark Winter Approaches, but your loved one is not ready. Can you relate?...

Meat in Due Season - Sermon Library "The Lord's Prayer - Part 10" "Thy Will Be Done - 1st Session" Topics: 1. The Different Categories of God's Will. 2....

Sermon Topics: In the Bible's past, Israel experienced hard times and judgment. The Scriptures tell us that it was because she struggled with Baal worship and...

Update - Sermon is now on Youtube with captions for your convenience. Link is below. "But Even If He Doesn't" - A Sermon for the...

Meat in Due Season Sermon Library Stirring Up Our Hearts by Way of Remembrance! Stories in the Bible - Weeping Woman who sought Jesus and received...