Israel in Prophecy - Why the Church Must Support Israel This video will explain...

Sermon Topics: In this message we will look at a time in Israel's biblical history when they were oppressed by their neighbors. Why did it happen?...

Sermon Topics: In these last days, are you spiritually tired or weary? Does condemnation's voice of "why bother," frequently visit you? Do you find yourself feeling "less than?" Do...

Here is a treat for all of you, the Watchman's Cry Family. Saturday morning, I was in the mood to worship the Lord, so I...

My friends, as the days are grow darker, many are struggling to endure. Many are tired, weary and...

The Great Surrender An Audio Sermon   This message is an audio sermon for the people of God and for those who may be struggling in their relationship with...

1. What does the Bible say about the Horseman of the Apocalypse? Who are they? Are they good or evil?

Update – Sermon is now on Youtube with captions for your convenience. Link is below: News from the Wall War is Coming - It's time to Seek...

Announcement from Nathan We have been sick the last few weeks and we will share our condition in this video. Thanks, Nathan Please help support this ministry. This...

Update - Sermon is now on Youtube with captions for your convenience. Link is below. "But Even If He Doesn't" - A Sermon for the...